GSR Growing Calcium, created by our friends at Soil Works, LLC, is an electrically available calcium that has been stripped of
nearly all other minerals via a proprietary process. The Growing Calcium is designed to enter the root of the plant and provide
it with the necessary calcium it needs for growth. GSR Calcium comes in small one or five pound bags and is mixed with water on
site and then applied via a spray rig or chemigation.
GSR Dormant Calcium
GSR Calcium is the only product of its kind in the world! It is manufactured in South Dakota by
Soil Works, LLC, using a highly proprietary process where the actual calcium is stripped from
lime product and refined to a fine and highly available calcium that can be suspended in liquid.
It can be applied via center pivot sprinkler or ground rig sprayer. It is very aggressive and has a very
strong electrical charge. This charge allows it to bind to bothersome elements in the soil that
are in excess and in need of being controlled. For instance, high magnesium or high salt
content in your soil causes tight-cracking soil when dry, and a slimy- sticky texture when wet,
neither of which is an ideal soil structure. Dormant calcium is applied to this type of ground in
the fall at rates no less than 45 grams/acre and up to 125 grams/acre for more unhealthy soils.
It will tie up the magnesium, or in other words, electrically satisfy the magnesium particle to
the point of it releasing the nutrient it is clinging to, attach to the calcium, and move downward
in the soil out of your plants root zone, thus building soil texture and structure in the root or
aerobic zone. This process also allows for more oxygen to be present in the aerobic zone and
allow for greater microbial activity thus building soil texture even more.