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A refractometer is a device used to measure sugar and dissolved solids in plant sap which gives you a good idea of the nutrient value and health of your plants. The unit assigned to measure the sugar and dissolved solids in plant sap is called brix, and the higher the number the better.
EC Meter
An EC meter measures the amount of electricity or energy contained in soil and in some larger plants like corn (where the probe can be placed directly in the plant tissue). This energy is measured in ERGS (Energy Released in Gram per Second) and referred to as conductivity. This can be a useful tool when deciding what a struggling field or plant may need. For example, is there too much energy present for this plant to thrive as it should? Or, is the energy level in the soil too low to move any nutrient to the plant?
Mister Mister Injector Valve
A chemigation injection valve is necessary at any injection site when applying fertilizer through an irrigation system. It acts as a sort of foot valve allowing fertilizer to enter the pipeline but keeping water from coming back through the injection system into the fertilizer tank. Due to the shape of the valve, it also helps ensure the product is well mixed with the water by injecting near the center of the water flow.
Tank/Trailer Chemigation Unit
The Chemigation tanks we use are 500 gallon cone bottom tanks with diaphragm injection pumps. Our units have mechanical agitation that aids in keeping fertilizers in solution. We have these units mounted on trailers and provide them at no charge when you need to apply our calcium products. These units are also available for purchase with 55 or 110 gallon/hour injection pumps. A sprinkler pipe and 480 volt service are required at the injection site to use these units.